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Myopia Control

Myopia, known as “near-sightedness,” refers to a minus (-) prescription resulting from the elongation of the eye or a steeply curved cornea. This results in vision blur that can be corrected with glasses, contacts or, in some cases, refractive surgery. However, improving vision does not address the higher risk of eye problems associated with myopia including cataracts, glaucoma and retinal detachment.

Myopia Control

Risk factors include having at least one parent with myopia and insufficient time outdoors. Prolonged near work and poor lighting may also play a role.

While myopia can not be reversed, its progression can be slowed. Four methods are being used currently:

1. Peripheral defocus soft contact lenses: special contact lenses designed with multiple zones to not only correct vision, but also treat myopia
- MiSight: FDA approved
- NaturalVue
2. Orthokeratology (Ortho-K): gas permeable contact lenses to be worn overnight
3. Atropine: a prescription eye drop that works by dilating the eyes
4. Bifocal or progressive addition lenses

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